Donnersbergerstraße 5

80634 Munich

Specialized law firm andrelang law

certified lawyer commercial and corporate law

My name is Dr. Christian Andrelang. I have worked as a lawyer since 2002. Since 2007 I am officially listed with the bar as a certifed lawyer for commercial and corporate law as and since 2018 as a certified lawyer for international trade law. The law firm andrelang law exists since April 2013 and was established as a spin-off of a major English commercial law firm. I regard myself as a sparring partner for your commercial decisions, negotiations and legal disputes. You and your company will benefit from the following advantages:

I have been working as a lawyer for more over 15 years and feel bound by a high quality standard for my work. In my law firm andrelang law I offer specialized legal advice for you and your company. My expertise includes legal advice in my core competences antitrust, corporate, distribution, international trade and commerce, and litigation in the industries of gases and raw materials, automotive, communications technology, cosmetics and accessories, life style, food, and musical instruments. My clients benefit from comprehensive legal advice tailored to companies and their industry needs and requirements.

Depending on the performance to be provided, I provide my services on the basis of an agreed hourly rate. Another option for billing is lump sum fees if this proves to be adequate for both sides.

Sie benötigen eine Rechtsberatung?

Sie können sich selbstverständlich voll und ganz auf meine und die Unterstützung meiner Kanzlei andrelang law in München verlassen. Fragen Sie mich unverbindlich an.

Andrelang Law

Dr. Andrelang, LL.M.

Certified lawyer commercial and corporate law

My offices is located near the beautiful Nymphenburg castle. I am a member of the Munich Bar Association. Studienvereinigung Kartellrecht e.V., the German Association for Distribution Law and the German-Scottish Lawyers Association. You will also benefit from my substantial network of English- and German-speaking legal experts and experts from other professions like tax advisors and accountants. Assertiveness, professionalism, know-how and empathy describe my work as a legal adviser for commercial and corporate law.

andrelang law

My services

My services rely on a matter-of-fact conversation and a respectful approach. I will reflect your concerns in the best possible way and ensure that we are clear about your goals. At our first conversation or meeting, we will define the legal goals of your company and the objective of our cooperation.

As a lawyer, discretion, transparency and trust are an indispensable part of my service. Trust and honesty is the foundation of our professional partnership. That’s why I calculate costs transparently and keep them open at all times.

I offer you my expertise as a lawyer and in the following five core areas:

To contact my law firm andrelang law, call 089 / 2020 1272, email or use my online contact form. I am pleased to welcome you in my office near the Nymphenburg Palace and to be able to support you in every legal case

Anwalt Gesellschaftsrecht und Handelsrecht

Dr. Andrelang, LL. M.

Fachanwalt für Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht

Fachanwalt für Handels- und Gesellschaftsrecht


Fragen Sie Ihre Rechtsberatung an!

Sollten Sie meine Dienstleistung als Rechtsanwalt und Fachanwalt für Gesellschafts- und Handelsrecht in Anspruch nehmen wollen, kontaktieren Sie mich jederzeit gerne.

Meine Kanzlei andrelang law erreichen Sie telefonisch unter der Nummer 089/2020 1272, per E-Mail an oder über das Online-Kontaktformular. Ich freue mich, Sie bald in meiner Kanzlei begrüßen zu dürfen.

Ja, ich habe die Datenschutzerklärung zur Kenntnis genommen und bin damit einverstanden, dass die von mir angegebenen Daten elektronisch erhoben und gespeichert werden. Meine Daten werden dabei nur streng zweckgebunden zur Bearbeitung und Beantwortung meiner Anfrage benutzt. Mit dem Absenden des Kontaktformulars erkläre ich mich mit der Verarbeitung einverstanden.