Selective distribution - judgment of the KG Berlin final
The ruling by the Berlin Higher Regional Court has caused considerable legal uncertainty regarding the admissibility of sales via eBay by dealers within the framework of selective distribution systems. The Berlin Higher Regional Court has confirmed that such a ban can be permissible if the branded products require distribution via a selective distribution system. However, it has also agreed with the Munich Higher Regional Court [...]
The end of price parity – finally equality of distribution channels again
Das Bundeskartellamt hat das Kartellverfahren gegen amazon wegen der Preisparitäts-Klausel eingestellt. „ohne Grenzen ist alle Kreativität nichts wert“ – könnten sich einige Plattform-Betreiber gedacht haben, als sie von den Anbietern auf ihren Plattformen „best prices“ forderten. Allerdings nicht für sich, sondern für die Verbraucher. Markenherstellern mag diese Praxis insgeheim teilweise sogar ganz recht gewesen sein. […]
No exclusion of the compensation claim of the EWiR authorized dealer - finally clarity from the BGH
Why did the Federal Court of Justice have to decide at all? It has long been clear that an authorized dealer operating in Germany has a claim to compensation if he is integrated into the sales organization of the manufacturer or supplier like a sales representative and is obliged to transfer his customer base upon termination of the contract, i.e. to hand over the customer data in such a way that the manufacturer or supplier in […]