Antitrust damages – rail cartel II
Autor: Dr. Christian Andrelang, LL.M. Rechtsanwalt Fachanwalt für Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht Fachanwalt für Handels- und Gesellschaftsrecht Kartellrechtlicher Schadensersatz – Der Bundesgerichtshof hat sich bereits mehrfach mit Fragen zum kartellrechtlichen Schadensersatz auseinandergesetzt, insbesondere in den Entscheidungen ORWI (BGH, Urteil vom 28. Juni 2011 – Az: KZR 75/10), Lottoblock II (BGH, Urteil vom 12.07.2016, Az.: KZR 25/14), Grauzementkartell […]
Liability risks for managers in the Covid19 crisis
From the moment a company becomes over-indebted or insolvent, the managing director may no longer make payments for the company because this would reduce the insolvency estate. If he violates this, he is personally liable with his private assets. Every insolvency administrator is obliged to assert such claims for damages. Due to the Covid19 crisis, the legislature has reacted and reduced the liability risk. [...]
Corona bankruptcy risk of criminal liability
Author: Dr. Christian Andrelang, LL.M. Attorney-at-law Specialist in international business law Specialist in commercial and corporate law Corona insolvency risk criminal liability - The stranglehold of the Corona crisis continues. Many companies are already making it clear that they can only hold out for a few more weeks before they become insolvent. The legislator has made the obligation to file for insolvency between [...]
Covid19 - Force Majeure or Delay in the Supply Chain?
Author:Dr. Christian Andrelang, LL.M.Attorney Specialist in international commercial law Specialist in commercial and corporate law The Covid19 pandemic is causing significant disruptions in the supply chain. Border closures and temporary plant closures, particularly in China and now throughout Europe, have already led to bottlenecks in the supply of goods and individual parts for many companies. Is this an event […]
Trademark license antitrust violation – European Commission fines “Hello Kitty”
Autor: Dr. Christian Andrelang, LL.M. Rechtsanwalt Fachanwalt für Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht Fachanwalt für Handels- und Gesellschaftsrecht In einem Bußgeldverfahren gegen den Sanrio, Markeninhaber von „Hello Kitty“, verhängte die Europäische Kommission Mitte 2019 ein Bußgeld in Höhe von EUR 6,2 Millionen EUR, weil Sanrio seine Händler daran gehindert hat, lizenzierte „Hello-Kitty-Produkte grenzüberschreitend innerhalb des Europäischen Wirtschaftsraums zu […]
Dominant position: EUR 200 million fine against AB Inbev
Die Europäische Kommission hat gegen den Bierhersteller AB InBev im Mai 2019 wegen einem Verstoß gegen Kartellrecht eine Geldbuße in Höhe von EUR 200 Mio. verhängt. Das weltweit größte Bierunternehmen hat seine marktbeherrschende Stellung auf dem belgischen Biermarkt missbraucht, um billigere Einfuhren von Bier seiner Marke Juliper aus den Niederlanden nach Belgien zu verhindern. Autor: […]
Cartel damages: who is the liable “company”?
Blog 24/07/2019 Autor: Dr. Christian Andrelang, LL.M. Rechtsanwalt Fachanwalt für Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht Fachanwalt für Handels- und Gesellschaftsrecht Kartell Schadensersatz: Der EuGH hatte sich in seiner Entscheidung „Skanska“ (Urt. v. 14.3.2019, C-724/17) mit der Frage zu befassen, wer kartellrechtlich auf Schadensersatz haftet. Die Entscheidung dürfte weitreichende Auswirkungen auf die Möglichkeiten zur Durchsetzung von […]
Exhaust gas scandal compensation - manufacturer liability and immorality
Author: Dr. Christian Andrelang, LL.M. Attorney-at-law Specialist in international business law Specialist in commercial and corporate law Since the emissions scandal became public in September 2015, the higher courts have also been asking themselves the question of the extent to which the manufacturers of vehicles with manipulated emissions are liable to the buyers, even though the injured buyers did not buy the vehicles directly from the manufacturer. The emissions scandal […]
NIKE's sales ban – EUR 12.5 million fine for restricting cross-border sales
Yet another sales ban fine – The EU Commission today has imposed a fine of €12.5 million on Nike for restricting cross-border sales by banning its retailers from selling licensed football merchandise to other countries within the EEA. Please see the respective press release of the EU Commission here. Author: Dr. Christian Andrelang, LL.M. Attorney at Law […]
Geoblocking - The Guess decision of the EU Commission
The European Commission is serious about geoblocking – and national antitrust authorities such as the Federal Cartel Office are likely to follow suit. The geoblocking regulation had barely come into force on December 3, 2018, when the European Commission imposed a fine of almost EUR 40 million on the clothing label Guess in its decision of December 17, 2018 […]