Donnersbergerstrasse 5

80634 Munich

The Vertical GVO 720/22: What's new for manufacturers and retailers?

The long-announced new European regulation on the distribution of goods, the so-called Vertical Block Exemption Regulation 720/22 or block exemption regulation for the exemption of vertical agreements from the prohibition of cartels, came into force on June 1, 2022. In future, it will be cited under the abbreviation Vertical Block Exemption Regulation 720/22 and will have a lasting impact on contract design in e-commerce, every distribution system and stationary retail. [...]

Right to delivery in selective distribution

Belieferungsanspruch beim selektiven Vertrieb – Wer bei Kunden punkten will, muss deren Erwartungen an Auswahlmöglichkeit und Breite des Produktsortiments erfüllen. Händler, die keinen Zugang zu nachgefragten Produkten oder Leistungen haben, begegnen Schwierigkeiten, neue Kunden zu gewinnen und Kunden zu halten. Gleichzeitig gehen viele Anbieter dazu über, ihre Produkte im Rahmen eines selektiven Vertriebssystems zu vertreiben. […]

Price increase - stop delivery, transfer, compensation

The topic of price increases is currently occupying all sectors and industries. Stable prices are the basis for a stable business relationship. Fixed purchase prices during the contract period are the basis for calculating the margin and sales prices. Negotiations of the purchase price or the sales price in relation to the next trade level […]

Price increase - stop delivery, transfer, compensation

The topic of price increases is currently affecting all sectors and industries. Stable prices are the basis for a stable business relationship. Fixed purchase prices during the contract period are the basis for calculating margins and sales prices. Negotiations of the purchase price or sales prices with the next trading level are the most important topic in the annual discussions. Entrepreneurs rely on them, who […]

Claim for delivery and obligation to contract

The antitrust law claim to supply is a sharp sword. If a manufacturer or supplier terminates the contract with its retailer, the latter is often dismayed, especially if the termination is made without giving reasons. Every retailer then asks themselves whether the termination cannot be contested. After all, the retailer is often dependent on receiving goods from certain manufacturers [...]

The supply chain law - consequences for manufacturers and retailers

In 2018, over 775,000 German companies imported goods in international trade with a turnover of around 1.09 trillion euros. These goods are included in so-called global supply chains. Companies in Germany are dependent on inputs from other countries, particularly in the textile industry (63 percent), electronics (45 percent), chemical and pharmaceutical [...]

Non Disclosure Agreement NDA

Non-disclosure agreement NDA - the beginning of a company purchase. This is how the meaning of a non-disclosure agreement can be succinctly described. Every company takeover - be it a company purchase as a share deal or as an asset deal - requires careful legal planning and coordination of the takeover process. 1. Non-disclosure agreement NDA - antitrust law company purchase As your lawyer, I offer you a service tailored to you [...]

Managing director liability - risks in the GmbH

Liability risks of the GmbH managing director Managing directors in a GmbH or members of the board of a stock corporation have special liability risks. Anyone who violates their duties as a managing director or board member is liable for damages. Breaches of duty and possibilities for compensation are becoming more and more important for my clients. D&O insurance, with which a GmbH can protect itself against damages and the management against its own liability [...]

Transparency register – extended registration requirement

Geldwäsche ist weltweit ein stark unterschätztes Problem. Milliarden, die durch kriminelle Machenschaften erzielt werden, werden jedes zurück in die normale Wirtschaft geschleust und so „gewaschen“. Vor allem Deutschland gilt als Geldwäsche-Paradies. Aber hiervon soll nicht die Rede sein. Es geht vielmehr um neue Regelungen, die den sauber agierenden Unternehmen in Deutschland auferlegt werden – nämlich […]