Donnersbergerstrasse 5

80634 Munich

Legal issues in companies

Business Insights

Here you will find articles on corporate law as well as international commercial and business law. As a lawyer in this field, I would like to present you with information, tips and news on current topics and developments in these areas on a regular basis.

The topics

Contract Law Attorney: What you should know about contracts in your supply chain – Part 2

Risks in the supply chain often arise in the areas of supply bottlenecks and passing on price increases (see Part 1). Within the supply chain, intermediate suppliers come into play...

Contract Law Attorney: What you should know about contracts in your supply chain – Part 1

Contract law regulates a variety of legal relationships between companies. Especially in the area of commercial contracts - i.e. contracts that your company has with its suppliers,...

The exclusion of a GmbH shareholder

In a GmbH, it may be necessary or desirable in certain situations to exclude a shareholder from the company - especially against his will. This…

The liability of the de facto managing director

The respective managing director of a GmbH is liable for damages if he violates his statutory duty of care. In order for such duties of care to exist at all, the person must be appointed as managing director...

Due Diligence Lawyer: A Guide to Thorough Examination

What is important in a due diligence review? How do we approach the process? In this article, we examine these questions in detail. It…

organization and support of your shareholders' meeting

The shareholders' meeting is the central body of a GmbH, in which important business decisions are made. Both the organization and the implementation require careful preparation...

Holding Company Establishment: A Guide for Entrepreneurs

As an experienced lawyer and specialist in corporate and commercial law, I would like to give you valuable insights into the establishment of a holding company in this blog. The establishment of a holding structure…

Compensation of shareholders and resolution of conflicts

Compensation of shareholders is a complex and frequently discussed topic in corporate law. In this blog post, we will discuss the legal basis and the various aspects…