Direct sales by the manufacturer - competition for your own dealer
Is direct sales within the framework of a sales system - also called dual sales or dual distribution - legally permissible?
Get an insight into the legal processes and requirements that are placed on a commercial agent.
Is direct sales within the framework of a sales system - also called dual sales or dual distribution - legally permissible?
The takeover of dealer companies and commercial agencies can bring valuable synergy effects. Read what to look out for.
This wiki entry takes a closer look at commercial agency law and explains what companies should consider from the point of view of a lawyer.
The long-announced new European regulation on the distribution of goods, the so-called vertical block exemption regulation 720/22 or block exemption regulation for the exemption of vertical agreements from the ban on cartels,
Sales representatives or employees - an important question for companies. Many companies also rely on “external sales intermediaries” when selling their products, especially commercial agents. Finally have themselves
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