Donnersbergerstrasse 5

80634 Munich

Legal issues in companies

Business Insights

Here you will find articles on corporate law as well as international commercial and business law. As a lawyer in this field, I would like to present you with information, tips and news on current topics and developments in these areas on a regular basis.

The topics

Common European Sales Law

The current legal situation for traders who offer their goods and services in the EU, i.e. in various European legal systems, is - to put it carefully -...

Right of withdrawal according to the new consumer protection regulations

On June 13, 2014, far-reaching changes to consumer protection regulations will come into force. They serve to implement the Consumer Goods Purchase Directive and in particular create new regulations for...

B-stock = used goods?

The Higher Regional Court of Hamm recently dealt with the sale of so-called B-goods by a trading company and the corresponding warranty. The trading company no longer advertised...

Selective distribution – judgment of the KG Berlin legally binding

The ruling of the KG Berlin has caused considerable legal uncertainty regarding the permissibility of sales via eBay by retailers as part of selective distribution systems.…

The end of price parity – finally equality of distribution channels again

The Federal Cartel Office has closed the antitrust proceedings against Amazon because of the price parity clause. “Without borders, all creativity is worthless” – some platform operators might have thought…

No exclusion of the EWiR dealer's claim to compensation - finally clarity from the BGH

Why did the BGH have to decide at all? Because it has long been clear that an authorized dealer operating in Germany has a claim to compensation if he...